A world map shows disease outbreaks that could be controlled with vaccines

First world citizens have many things that poor countries do not have, and one of them is the vaccines, to which we all have access and that allow, vaccinating a large number of people, diseases can hardly appear and spread among people.

Everything was going well, with real possibilities of eradicating some diseases, until a man named Andrew Wakefield invented a story linking vaccines with autism. From that moment began to increase anti-vaccination movements, giving vaccines a bad name and getting the vaccine coverage began to decline.

The result is that, since then, diseases that we had almost controlled have reappeared in the form of outbreaks and now, thanks to a web application, we can see a world map with outbreaks of diseases that could be controlled with vaccines.

To see the data, just go to the page in question and start playing with it. We can choose the continent we want to see, we can zoom in and out on the map and we can select the diseases that we want to appear, to choose between Measles, Rubella, Mumps, Polio, Pertussis and Others, or leave them all marked to see all outbreaks occurred since 2008 until the present time. We can also see the data year by year.

Surprise to see Europe full of points, that is, with different disease outbreaks that a few years ago seemed present only in the memory. On the reliability of the data, say that I miss the last measles outbreak in Catalonia about a month ago. I suppose that when it is considered completely controlled and identified it will be added with the definitive cases.

It is a pity that, having vaccines for these diseases, poor countries suffer so many preventable diseases because they do not get the vaccines. And if it's a shame in them, in our case I don't know how to rate it, because the vaccine exists, because it is offered to us in the reviews of our children and because they are diseases that can leave sequels or that can even cause death.

Video: Global Introduction of New Vaccines: Delivering More to More (July 2024).