The ingenious solution of a desperate mother to have a few minutes alone

Although being a mother is definitely a job for a lifetime, the first months or years of age of children are usually the most demanding. When they are babies, they constantly need us and want to have us by our side. We love it, but there are times when our children don't let us even go to the bathroom, as I said a few days ago when I shared the poster made by a mother to be allowed to use the bathroom alone.

That's why a mother, desperate to have a few minutes to go to the bathroom and make food, had the great idea of put on some pants and his boots pretending that she was the one sitting on the couch, to keep your baby calm.

In a photo posted on the Maternidarks Facebook page, we can clearly see that when we are mothers, creativity comes into action in a way we never imagined.

In the text sent by the mother, who wishes to remain anonymous, says that her baby is in the stage where she does not want her mother to move away and cry as soon as she leaves him to feed or go to the bathroom. She says that despite not wanting her to go, he doesn't want me to hug him or play with him, but rather you simply want to know and feel that she is close.

So what she did was take a pair of pants, a pair of shoes and fill them in so that it looked like she was sitting next to her son.

"Only need FEEL that I am sitting thereIn fact, he doesn't even look me in the face, just from the knee down.", says the mother in the text that accompanies the image.

The mother not only left the pants on the couch and now, but he thought of every detail and left his "feet" apart, since your baby sometimes likes to play between her legs.

The photo has hundreds of comments from mothers who receive the photo with humor when they feel identified with the situation and who applaud him for his creativity to achieve a few minutes of tranquility.

After having children being alone is almost impossible, but this is a sample rather than in complicated situations, mothers are able to take somewhat extreme measures, but above all, very creative.

Video: Things You Do When You're Home Alone. Facts, DIY Life Hacks & DIY Crafts by Blossom (July 2024).