Stories of mothers: "I took the test without saying anything to anyone because I knew that a miracle was brewing"

One more day we bring you one of the mothers stories that you are sending us on the occasion of the celebration of Mother's Day.

Today is the turn of Talina, Alana's mother, who explains how her arrival in this world was.

The wait for my little princess Alana was long, very long, but it was worth it, because before I arrived I had to leave two little angels that could not reach term due to different circumstances, so my pregnancy was very , but very long, since after my second loss I had to wait a year to try again to get pregnant.

This wait, already long in itself, was becoming increasingly difficult because although I tried I could not get pregnant. I had already made the decision to start a fertilization treatment but as this is the destination a few days before starting the treatment I decided to take a pregnancy test, without telling anyone, because I felt that a miracle was brewing inside me. And it happened. That blessed test was positive. I could not believe it, I cried of happiness and I told my mother. We were all happy but my husband, the other actor in this play, was traveling and could not locate him. I finally called him at night, he replied and shouted: "Congratulations, future new dad!" He remained speechless for a few minutes, then in a tearful voice he asked me if I was really pregnant and I finally could say yes. After taking care of myself a lot, because I had low progesterone and gallbladder stones, at 5 months they gave us the pleasant news that it was a girl. The emotion overwhelmed my husband and me. We could not hold back the tears because we already have a son and we expected a girl to come and that's how it was. The day of birth was magical. We got up very early because we had to travel no less than three hours to get to the hospital. At two in the afternoon I went to the operating room in the company of my husband, for a scheduled C-section. When I remember the moment I feel chills because in my mind the moment is recreated in which the doctor told me: "I already told you that I was a child, right?", And my heart was beating so hard, so much, that I could not breathe. Finally the time came and I could kiss him on his forehead. I had my little Alana with me and everything around me disappeared for a few minutes. It was just her and me and there I could feel that everything we had to go through my husband and I with the previous pregnancies was worth it. And so began the magical story of our beloved Alana Talina that today, along with Mateo, her brother, are the reasons of our life.

We thank Talina for explaining to us how the path that led her to gestate her little Alana was and we remind you that yes as mothers you want to share your story with us as other moms have already done, you can do it by sending the story, which should be between 5 and 8 paragraphs long, to stories of [email protected] with one or two photos (min. 500 px wide) in which you go out together to your son or children.

We will continue publishing your mothers stories throughout the month of May since the Mother's Day deserves to be extended to the whole month and you moms, you deserve to be protagonists also in Babies and more.

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).