Would you record your birth? the question of the week

As you know, every week I we ask a question for you to answer in our section Answers and vote the answers of the other users. We also announce the most voted response of the previous week.

It is a controversial issue. For some it is such an intimate moment that they don't even think about leaving a graphic record. It only remains in the memory. Instead, there are those who prefer to keep that memory in a video to see it later, and even for their children to see it tomorrow. Therefore, this week we ask you:

Would you record your birth?

Last week's question

Last Wednesday we asked you a question related to the collaboration of the little ones in household chores: Do your children help you with household chores?

The most voted answer has been the one of the countries that told us,

"I think it is important to avoid future discussions that children understand that they do not help, but that they collaborate in the performance of household chores. Do not forget that the words collaborate are different than help. The latter implies that domestic chores correspond to parents. , or in many cases to the mother, and the rest of the members do "a favor" to the person responsible "for all the tasks".

Now The new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it. Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: How to Have a Healing Birth Memory- The Birth She Wanted: Part 2 (July 2024).