The "brealfie" of a woman breastfeeding a baby: but she is not her son, she is her nephew

Everyone already knows the famous selfies, but not everyone knows what a "brealfie" is, that is only for connoisseurs. It is a selfie of a woman breastfeeding a baby, usually the mother, but more and more we know stories of women who are not the mothers of babies feeding them from their own breast.

This is the case of Meg Nagle, mother and lactation consultant, who became famous for posting on her Facebook profile a "brealfie" breastfeeding a baby that is not your child. It is his nephew, his sister's baby. Sharing a baby's breastfeeding is a very intimate act, which not everyone would be willing to do or accept. You would do it?

Breastfeeding his nephew

She counts it as the most natural thing in the world, because in fact it is, except that it is not direct mother-baby breastfeeding but breastfeeding with a surrogate mother, which in this case is the aunt. A situation that although we find strange, in the animal kingdom is quite frequent.

Meg tells in her profile that while her sister was at work she tried to give the child a bottle of milk that the baby's mother had previously removed. But seeing that there was no way to take it, he did not hesitate to put it to his chest and voila, he fell asleep immediately.

My gorgeous little nephew! While my sister was at work today I tried to give him a bottle of her expressed milk a few…

Posted by The Milk Meg on Monday, March 21, 2016

We are not used to it at the moment, but that of a surrogate mother who breastfeeds the baby is nothing new. The nurses fulfilled that function before the powdered milk was invented, when the mother herself, for whatever reason, could not breastfeed her baby.

Here the baby's mother can breastfeed but she was not available at the time, so her sister, after asking her permission, offered her breast.

There are more and more cases of women with a common bond that breastfeed the babies of others, or perhaps they always existed, but now they know each other more thanks to social networks. Some time ago we knew the story of two friends who were breastfeeding each of their own babies, and the baby of the other. Both are intimate friends and were mothers at the same time, so when they had to return to work, as their children were not accustomed to the bottle, they found that the best solution was that. So, they calm and babies happy.

Would you do it?

Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world, but when it is not the mother but another person who breastfeeds the baby, the gesture is distorted. We are not used to it and it seems strange to us, but who says that it is wrong or that it cannot be done?

It is certainly a very personal decision. Since breastfeeding is much more than food and a very special bond is established with the baby, not all women are willing to breastfeed another woman's child, even if she was her closest friend or sister. And on the other hand, not everyone would be willing to accept it.

That's why we want to know your opinion: would you breastfeed your sister's or friend's baby? And on the other side, would you allow your sister or your friend to breastfeed your baby if you are not available?

Video: The Duck Song (July 2024).