11 Instagram accounts that will make you see that children with Down Syndrome are wonderful

Down syndrome is usually surrounded by prejudices to the point where society often hides people with this chromosomal abnormality. But social networks have become a powerful channel to give visibility to all these extraordinary children. We can know their daily lives and share with them every challenge they manage to overcome.

Today on World Down Syndrome Day we want you to know these 11 Instagram accounts that will help you understand the syndrome and how wonderful people are who carry an extra chromosome.

Nugget Mola

Pepita (@pepitamola) was born on May 21, 2015 with an extra chromosome, which makes it absolutely extraordinary. Her parents share in her account the most special moments of the girl's life, but also the most everyday and beautiful. Pepita is a cheerful and lovely girl. Surely it will steal your heart.

Nugget with its RIPPED SOCKS prepared for World Down Syndrome Day. On March 21 we will celebrate diversity and we will support the integration of people with different abilities. Because we are all different I encourage you to participate in this movement and also involve your family, friends and co-workers. This year we have made a very special collaboration, we have designed these socks ... two equal ones, in blue with Pepita glasses, and one unpaired, in maroon color and with 3X in allusion to trisomy 21. The sales benefit will be allocated to the Pepitamola Foundation. More information at @fundacionpepitamola #pepitamola #diamundialdelsibdromededown #discalced socks #downsyndromeawareness #theluckyfew # t21 #changingthefaceofbeauty


The protagonist of this Instagram account is María (@perlafan), born on October 7, 2015. Why is the profile name? What is "the pearl that will take us to dance the whole family." A beauty that enlivens the lives of their families and all those who pass by to meet her.

Day of walking on the river, throwing firecrackers and mascletá, we have not approached much but he has loved it, he looked at us like saying WHAT IS THIS Good night #perlafan #perlarock #superpowers #valenciaenfallas #downsyndrome #downaddicts #downlovers #tengoundownextraordinario #sindromededown # extrachromosomesrock # t21rocks


Loreto (@missloreto) is a laughing girl who lifts everyone's spirits. He was born on 24 Mar 2016 and according to his family "His arrival makes us live with our feet on the ground and the look in the sky."

Beautiful Sunday to be in the street all day, although Loreto has tired of walking his wrist and only wants dad's arms. #papitis # porunsoloniño #missloreto


Javi (@javisteps) is a beautiful boy with big blue eyes who lives in Madrid. His mother Alejandra shares the day-to-day life of her little one with her parents and her brother, Dani, and confesses: "It has changed us, made us more sensitive, less selfish, braver and have less prejudice. it has helped to get out of our comfort zone and improve ourselves. "

Since Javi recovered from the operation, he has made an incredible change. It shows that he rests better and has more energy, better mood and more desire to play. He is also much more thug, of course, but we start laughing with his occurrences * * Javi is doing so great after his surgery, he has a lot more of energy and is always in the mood for playing and fooling around * * #siblings #hermanos


Bosco was born on April 25, 2016, he is almost three years old and a brother, Álvaro, is five months old. "My parents say that I am the greatest joy of their life, I have an extra chromosome, I have come to make you happy."

Tomorrow is our day 2103 my diamundial of down syndrome You join to wear mismatched socks It is a way of saying that we are all different and we are all the same #sindromededown #theluckyfew #different abilities #calcetinesdesparejados


Enol (@enolyelmundo) was born on November 18, 2012 and besides being the protagonist of his Instagram account, so is the Enol blog and the conquest of the world. There you can meet every little achievement of Enol and the satisfaction of seeing how he enjoys everything life has to offer.

#iyanelmagnifico as animator number 1 of his brother #portimism #lifebetterwithyou #sindromededown #independent #independent #syndromdown #sindromededown #sindromededown #updown #sindromeup #upsindrome #downaddicts #enolyelmundo #miheroedown


It is the account of Samantha Vallejo-Nágera @samyspain, mother of four children, one of them, Roscón, has Down syndrome. He has earned that nickname for being born on January 6, Three Kings Day; Samantha says the baby was "the surprise of the roscón". His mother's popularity has allowed many people to know how wonderful it is to have a child with Down syndrome in the family.



In (@growupwithdown) we can be partakers of the life of Bizcochete, a child with Down syndrome who has 3 older siblings and is a sweetie. I want to share some precious words from his mother that have reached my heart:

"How to convey the love, happiness, that your pretty face offers me? How to make you understand that you are never a burden but rather it is you who relieves me of the stones that others put on me? I wish I could open my eyes to everyone those who doubt, I wish they could feel for a second the happiness, the MAXIMUM love you give me every day. "

Thank you for your congratulations #growupwithdown #tengoundownextraordinario #mimo #valencia #downsyndrome #downaddicts


The protagonist of @lifewithmicah is Micah, a baby model with Down Syndrome, son of the model Amanda Booth (@amanda_booth) and Mike Quinones, one of the most cool parents on Instagram.

Match your chewy to your outfit kinda day.


In @nothingdownaboutit (Nothing Down in this), Oakley infects us with energy and positivity with his two brothers. He is also the protagonist of the blog of the same name that is a real delight. You will love to meet this wonderful family!

Tuesday mornings its just the two of us for about 3 whole hours. We do a lot of snuggling and jabbering. What are some of your favorite one-one-one activities with your toddler (technically five-year-old) Though Im fine to just snuggle that whole chunk of time. @ instasize.official


Teresa Robles, whom we interviewed last year, is the mother of seven children and is the creator of @ponundownentuvida. The youngest, José María, has Down syndrome and is fighting leukemia. He is a cheerful, affectionate child and it is very emotional to see through his photos the love his brothers have for him.

Here, I want a big kiss from you all. Because I deserve it, I'm a champion. Because the tests have worked out very well and Cart cells are doing their job and keeping me clean of cancer. Because I don't give up and I know that in 6 months I will return to Barcelona with the same enthusiasm. Because I keep fighting, because I don't give up ... And because I love you and I need kisses. THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING BY MY SIDE. THANKS TO RESEARCH INVESTMENT #thanks #josemariatupuedes #stopleukemia #vamosjosemaria #celulascart #cartcell #kidscart #sinvestigacionnohaycura #downaddicts # porunsoloniño #donamedula #capacities

Video: vines that cured my cancer (July 2024).