First visit to the dentist: pediatric dentists recommend that it be at the end of the year

During their first years of life, our children will attend the pediatrician, who will be in charge of checking and taking care of their health in general. However, we must remember that there are also other aspects to take into account, such as the oral health of our children, something that we must take care of at an early age.

Some parents postpone this moment until a problem appears, but in reality, pediatric dentists recommend that the first visit to the dentist be when the children reach their first year of age.

Dentist or pediatric dentist?

Regularly when we think about our oral health, we think of the dentist, and although they can also do a review of our children from an early age, The specialist in the care of the teeth of the youngest is the pediatric dentist.

The pediatric dentists They are specialized in the care, prevention and treatment from the first stage of life. In addition, pediatric dentists have experience in dealing with young children, adapting to their behavior and the needs of their age, something for which perhaps not all dentists are trained.

The main objective of a pediatric dentist, in addition to the oral health care of children, is to accustom children to dental check-ups, providing them with a good experience and serving them in a friendly environment where they feel comfortable.

The early years: a preventive stage

According to information sent to us by the Association Commitment and Dental Safety, The first visit to the pediatric dentist should be done when the children reach their first yearWell, baby teeth are very important, even though they are only temporary.

Dr. Ana Sada Mairal, of the AGVP Dental Clinic, reports that It is considered a preventive stage from 0 to 3 years, during which it is recommended to attend revisions every six months. By attending these reviews, parents can learn to take proper care of baby teeth, as well as begin to instill in their children good hygiene habits.

After three years is when most children usually have all their baby teeth, so it is important that they begin to be taught the proper way to brush them. When they reach the stage of tooth change, which usually begins around five years, the revisions should continue every six months.

Why it is important to take care of oral health from an early age

Going to the dentist or pediatric dentist from an early age is something that is widely recommended for various reasons:

  • It favors the adoption of good hygiene habits since childhood.
  • It teaches parents and children to properly care for their teeth since their appearance.
  • The growth and eruption of the teeth, as well as the development of the jaw are monitored.
  • When attending regular consultations, teeth and gums may be checked, so as to rule out or attend to the appearance of oral problems such as bottle caries or bite problems.

Many parents fall into the error of thinking that because baby teeth are only temporary, they are not so important, but maintaining proper hygiene and health in them, will help prevent future dental problems and in your adult life.

So When you reach your first year, schedule an appointment to start caring for your child's teeth and start a good relationship with the dentist from an early age.

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