Television violence can multiply by three the aggressiveness of our children

The studies that are carried out worldwide to improve the education and psychological development of our children are fundamental, thanks to them, our way of acting with our children will be much more effective. On this occasion we have met an interesting study prepared by the Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute (USA) that shows us how negative television violence can be in children.

Apparently, an hour of television in which violent programs are displayed, can increase up to three times the degree of aggressiveness of our children and develop all kinds of violent behaviors. In this study, data were taken from 330 children aged between 2 and 5 years, curiously this aggressive effect was not assimilated by girls, boys instead showed to be much more receptive to the images they saw on television . Much remains to be studied on how television programs affect our children, but it is clearly shown that television violence influences them very negatively. There are many factors that shape the personality and behavior of a child, the way of speaking to him, the punishments, the technological games ... if we manage to polish each one of them we will get our son to show his best.

American researchers also clarify that television is not something negative, everything will depend on the programs that are seen, as an example to Sesame Street, a good program that promotes understanding, tolerance and different positive aspects. By the way, many of us have grown up with these types of programs and can attest to the benefits they have been able to bring us.

Video: New Reports Of Squalor And Neglect For Migrant Children. Deadline. MSNBC (July 2024).