"Arrullarte", concert for babies

With the title so suggestive of "Arrullarte" presents a musical project aimed at babies and children up to five years and that is inspired by the literary work of Miguel Delibes.

These are concerts enriched with scenography and dance, which will take place today and tomorrow in Valladolid with the representation of pieces not exceeding two minutes and that have the literary work of Delibes as the guiding thread.

These concerts are included in the "Music for Early Childhood" initiative, in the activities of the Socio-educational Area of ​​the Miguel Delibes Auditorium and the Castilla y León Symphony Orchestra. Periodically they carry out musical workshops and concerts for babies in the auditorium of Valladolid.

The project has allowed the composer, Agustín Javier Lázaro, to reflect on the composition for an ear like that of the baby, "at the beginning of training, sensitive to ranges of variability, without prejudice, wanting to play, fun, rhythm and a certain touch of intrigue, expectation. "

Want to create a sound space that develops "the good hear", linked to the "good feeling, thinking and acting future of any being."

The tour begins with 'Der entfernte Wald', based on chapter XXI of 'The Way'; 'Desi dance', inspired by the dialogue between Desi and the Elder of 'The Red Leaf'; 'Do you know?', From 'The Shadow of the Cypress is Long', and 'Jeux', centered on the first dialogue between the Quico and the Vítora of 'The Dethroned Prince'.

The proposal concludes with 'Pantomime', an instrumental theme without references to text but to the world of classical dance and 'Sine music' ('nulla vita').

The concerts represent the moment in which children, up to five years old, are invited to listen to music but not through musical theater since it is not only a story or a story, each concert is an experience of exchange and complicity where the Discovery of live music and silence create intense and surprising moments among babies, children and their families.

We will also be attentive to the music workshops for babies that take place in the city, surely they are a success as it seems to be "Arrullarte", the concert for babies that opens today in Valladolid and which will be followed by new concerts aimed at children discovering and loving music.

Video: IT CHAPTER TWO - Final Trailer HD (July 2024).