Childhood sinusitis

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the sinuses. It usually occurs in upper airway infections and disappears on its own, but 10% of them are complicated by acute bacterial sinusitis. In the event that it lasts for more than 10 weeks, it will be a chronic sinusitis. This is a disease that although it does not involve risks if it is advisable to treat it since it starts.

The symptoms may be different depending on the age of the child, it begins through a common cold that usually lasts longer than usual, coughing, a lot of nasal mucus appears and not responding adequately to the treatments for colds. Along with these symptoms, there is a swelling of the eyelids accompanied by bad breath when getting up in the morning.

Sometimes a sinusitis can be confused with a simple cold, since many symptoms are shared in both pathologies, but it can be clearly differentiated by time, that is, a cold does not last more than a week and usually improves, while a sinusitis It lasts much longer and its symptoms are more pronounced than those of a cold. The treatment of sinusitis is usually resolved with antibiotics that shorten the time of the disease and avoid some complications. Although it can also be prevented by knowing the diseases that predispose it and taking appropriate measures.

Colds, allergic processes, hypertrophic vegetations or other factors that affect the drainage of the sinuses, can influence the development of sinusitis. The cleaning of the nostrils in children prone to colds is one of the measures recommended by pediatricians.

There is a saying that we all know, "prevention is better than cure", very accurate by the way, it helps us to avoid any problem that bothers our child's health.

Video: Pediatric Sinusitis - Boys Town Ear, Nose & Throat Institute (July 2024).