Chicken rice to start eating alone

I love to see that my nephews are growing and how little by little they learn to eat alone, although we find it difficult to put a cloth on the lap in addition to the bib to prevent them from staining too much. One of the simplest dishes to achieve this goal is this chicken rice recipe to start eating alone.

With a simple chicken breast and remnants of a roast chicken sauce I had saved, it can also be sauce from a stew of meat or any stew - we make a very simple dish that the little ones in the house will enjoy and with those who will practice handling the spoon to go eating without more help than reloading it.

Ingredients for 2 or 3 portions

  • 1 breast fillet, 50 g of rice, roast sauce

How to make rice with chicken that children can eat alone

We start thoroughly cleaning the chicken breast fillet, removing the fat, any rest of skin that has and in its case any rest of bone. Then we put a pan on the fire and with a teaspoon of olive oil, we begin to cook them almost grilled until they take a golden color.

While it is being done, we put a saucepan with water and a pinch of salt and cook the rice to make a white rice. It will take about 20 minutes but we turn it off and drain when it takes 18 to finish it later with the sauce and the chicken as I now explain.

When the chicken has its color, we add to the pan the roast sauce that we have saved from another previous preparation and let it cook for a few minutes. This will be more tender and also full of flavor. With scissors, cut the pieces of the breast fillet into small pieces and reintegrate them into the pan.

When the sauce begins to reduce we incorporate the cooked rice and we let it finish cooking inside the sauce. Stir and mix well so that rice and chicken are well mixed and served. With patience and spoonful to spoonful, surely they eat everything.

Processing time | 25 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


This Chicken Rice is a recipe that all children will love, and you will surely enjoy it with them. The only difference in the ration of the elderly is that it will not be necessary to split the chicken into small pieces, but if you want you can also do it.

Video: Feeding and Swallowing - Feeding Therapy Sessions - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 3 of 6 (July 2024).