Why is it better to be accompanied during childbirth?

We continue analyzing the clinical practice guide on normal delivery care addressing the issue of the accompaniment of women during childbirth. Nowadays it is quite frequent that the presence of a family member chosen by the midwife be allowed, but some time ago this was unthinkable (even in some hospitals there are many restrictions) and therefore it was necessary to assess the evidence in this regard.

It seems quite painful (speaking badly and soon) that they have to do studies on a subject that falls under their own weight (in a stressful situation a person will be better when he has someone trustworthy by his side offering support), but he has had this way to be and, luckily, this guide collects this topic to recommend that women be accompanied during childbirth by the person they have chosen.

In some countries, the person who attends and accompanies the woman is a midwife, who does not separate from her until she gives birth, in what is known as one-on-one care.

This model of care has very good results, since it has been shown that women are thus more likely to have spontaneous vaginal delivery, less likely to use epidural anesthesia, to have an instrumental vaginal delivery or caesarean section and a higher level of satisfaction with the experience lived.

In our country the family must accompany

But our country does not work that way, basically, because there is not enough staff to provide such care. It is for this reason that, in the absence of a midwife, it is recommended that a family member of the midwife's choice accompany the delivery, which is usually the father, but does not have to be him.

Many hospital protocols already have this support service, although it continues to happen that in interventions such as vaginal touching, placement of parenteral pathways or administration of epidural anesthesia, the relative or friend who accompanies them is “invited” to wait outside. There is no real reason to make the companion leave, especially if we consider that there are hospitals that allow parents to be present in the operating room if the woman is going to have a C-section.

Why doesn't he have to be the father

I have said in a previous paragraph that the companion does not have to be the father, more than anything, for the sake of a mother.
I know that a father may not feel too good that his wife says "honey, I prefer my mother to come" or "my friend Lucia", however I understand because there are men (and women too, of course, but it does not affect here) that, by their way of being, they can make the woman too nervous, causing precisely what they want to avoid.

In such cases it is better to put the cards on the table, speak with love, but frankly: "Honey, you make me so nervous that I think that with you I will not be able to give birth" and look for the best situation so that the delivery takes place in a calm and calm environment and the benefits of giving birth accompanied by a person of confidence to support the pregnant woman at all times.

Video: How Giving Birth Changes Your Brain (July 2024).