Detect inflammation in amniotic fluid with the Mass Restricted scale

An infection in the uterus causes inflammation inside the yolk sac, and as a consequence, premature delivery occurs. From 5 to 10% of births, they are preterm, one of the causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality. At the moment, the existing tests to detect this problem, among which are the measurement of the amount of glucose or the white blood cell count, are not very precise, but scientists from Yale University (United States) have created a scale that will identify this problem in 93% of cases.

Thanks to the study, published in PLOS Medicine, they have created the scale “Mass Restricted” (MR) which measures the presence of four biomarkers in the amniotic fluid, neutrophils, defensin 1 and 2 and calgranulin A and C that is scored from zero to four according to the detection.

The study was carried out with the follow-up of 169 women, and those who obtained a score on the scale of three or four (greater inflammation), gave birth before those who obtained zero to two points. The higher scores on the MR scale also predicted the presence and severity of infection in the neonate, inflammation and infection of the placental membranes, which shows that this new method is very accurate and more effective than any other test.

Although for the moment, before the Mass Restricted scale becomes a regular test, they must deepen and expand the investigations. We hope that it will be shortly when we are announced the entirety of your diagnosis and the incorporation into clinical tests.

Video: Cystoscopy Bladder Endoscopy (July 2024).