Global Movement for Children

On a day as special as today, on which World Children's Day is celebrated, I would like to bring to our pages a movement of organizations and people that join efforts to build a world worthy of the little ones, the World Movement for Children.

The movement has the support and participation of organizations such as UNICEF, Oxfam or Save the Children, and on its website we can find many events and news related to children, seeking their protection and a dignified life.

Health campaigns, AIDS in children, child exclusion, UN reports related to children, actions in favor of children ... are some of the issues on which we can inform ourselves through this movement.

Undoubtedly, the 10 fundamental imperatives on which the Global Movement for Children is based are worthwhile:

  • Fight against poverty: invest in childhood. For millions of children around the world, poverty means more than just having no money.
  • Protect the earth for children. We can still choose how to use our environment.
  • Protect children from war. Never has a boy or a girl started a war. Even so, every time a war starts, the most affected are they.
  • Educate each and every one of the boys and girls. Children arrive in the world wanting to learn. However, too many times they do not have access to education.
  • Listen to Children. Children who are marginalized, vulnerable or living in poverty are better able to understand how it affects them in daily life, and they are able to participate fully in planning and implementing solutions.
  • Stop harming and exploiting childhood. All children have the right to grow in a safe and stimulating environment.
  • Fight against HIV / AIDS. HIV / AIDS is affecting children and young people in the most brutal way. More than half of the new infections are in people under 25 years.
  • Take care of each and every child. Each and every one of the children of this world has the right to start as healthy as possible.
  • Do not leave any children aside. There is no good reason to deny a boy or a girl freedom and opportunities.
  • Put childhood first. Governments around the world have committed themselves to this: in 1989, the international community approved the Convention on the Rights of the Child and then these purposes have been ratified several times.

Official Site | Global Movement for Children in Babies and more | World Day against child labor: work is not for children, One in six children does not reach 5 years in sub-Saharan Africa, "How much is a life worth?", The State of the World's Children 2008

Video: WEBINAR: Global Movement for Childrens Rights DEC. 2015 (July 2024).