Web: traveling as a family in Nature

Everything changes when the children arrive, but how it shows on the weekend or holiday trips. The suitcases and the multiple accessories for the baby or children multiply disproportionately to the size of their little bodies.

Another problem is that Not all destinations or hotels are suitable for families nor do they have specific activities or suitable for children.

"Traveling as a family" is a website that can help us with this topic. Your information and services are aimed at families who bet on a nature tourism, practicing outdoor sports, and performing ecotourism activities, through the mountains, cities and Spanish beaches.

The following can be found on the web:

  • Routes through the coastal and mountain spaces
  • Nature sports for adventurous families
  • Offers and leisure services for parents and children
  • Selected accommodations for family groups
  • Tips for traveling and getting to know the natural areas better
  • Agenda of cultural and entertainment activities
  • A forum to tell your family experiences

Well, since traveling with children is an adventure in itself, it is always good to plan in advance and go for sure: to places where our children are welcome.

Video: Welcome to Nature For Kids! Family Vlogs. Travel Vlog. Gear Reviews. Fun Family Adventures (July 2024).