Back to school and responsible consumption

Back to school. In addition to the tension that many children and their families produce this return, we are overwhelmed by expenses. And you have to buy so many things at once. When these moments of consumption frenzy come I always think about how to make purchases more responsible with the Environment. Here are some ideas to get it. Surely some of them can be useful to get to consume with responsibility.

Regarding everyday actions such as go to school and take the snack is worth remembering as we did in our childhood. Walking or using public transport, at least on one of the routes, is a very healthy exercise, which we can recover if conditions permit. And for him playtime, instead of juice cans from concentrate, which have more sugar than food, there is nothing healthier for children than drinking water. The fruit is better incorporated into breakfast at home, in the form of a whole piece or a natural juice. And banish the pastry, replacing it with a sandwich of whole wheat bread, fruit or nuts. Health and pocket really appreciate it. And now come the shopping. First, check that we really need to buy and that we can replace things we already have at home. Many times we buy a new case or a lot of pencils, when we have scrambled around the house others that are in perfect use. Reuse is the first lesson of sustainability.

Then, think we can buy from second hand or even that we can ask "inherited" from other familiar families. Uniforms sometimes run small before they are old, and of course, well-maintained school books can be reused or purchased at second-hand bookstores.

On the notebooks there is the option to buy them made from recycled paper, and there are pencils in certified wood. And refillable pens. We can choose objects that come from a sustainable manufacturing and generate the least possible waste.

There are guides that can help us to know better the shops that are specialized in this facet of consumption increasingly demanded by a society aware of the needs of the planet. One of them is "With Your Responsibility".With these and other ideas that surely you have we can make our "ecological footprint" be less and make these days not so heavy for our planet.

Your effort will also be an important environmental education lesson for your children.

Video: Responsible Consumption and Our Role in Deforestation. Laura Gonzalez. TEDxYouth@BIS (July 2024).