Scheduled delivery? Why it should take place beyond 39 weeks

Although it is said that a baby born in week 37 is already a full-term baby, science has been showing for years that, unless childbirth occurs spontaneously, it is better for the baby to be born later, as close as possible to week 40, which is when more or less babies are actually born.

That is why an information campaign has been initiated in some countries, in order to promote that if the birth is scheduled, it is done, if possible, beyond 39 weeks gestation.

Women who choose the date of their birth

In Spanish public health you can't choose the day you are going to give birth, because that would be an induction and the inductions are not advised by the risk that the labor is too instrumentalized and ends with the use of suction cup, forceps or caesarean section.

That is, inductions are made only if it is considered that it is better not to wait. Otherwise, the most recommended in many aspects is that the baby is born the day the woman goes into labor, because it will be the day when he is already mature and ready to be born (in fact, if a delivery has to end in a caesarean section, it is advisable to wait for contractions to begin, if possible, for the same reason).

However, in many countries, or in some private centers in Spain, being able to choose the day on which you are going to have your baby is a possibility, to the point that it is considered a right: the right to decide which day you want to Your baby is born, above the date when your body and your baby say it's time.

That is why, before many cases of babies born in weeks 37 and 38 (some would still lack 3-4 weeks), it is trying to inform that the ideal is as commented: minimum 39 weeks gestation, unless there is a compelling reason to do so before.

How much is the difference?

You are right. As we read in a document of American Congress of Obstetritians and Gynecologists (ACOG), in the last four weeks of gestation the development of the baby is considerable.

As considerable as in that period of time baby's brain weighs a third more, and the lungs and liver They are more developed. In addition, the layers of fat grow under the baby's skin, which will help keep the temperature better after birth.

A study with more than 13,000 women has assessed the differences in practice, and they have seen that babies born at week 37 are twice as likely to have complications as those born after 39 weeks of gestation.

Thus, it has been concluded that babies born before week 39 have a higher risk of:

  • Respiratory problems for not having fully developed his lungs.
  • Temperature problems, to be born with less fat under the skin.
  • Difficulties to feed, at birth something more immature and less able to stay awake to eat well.
  • Suffer jaundice, which is an excess of bilirubin in the blood, since the liver does not filter said compound efficiently.
  • To have Learning problems Y conduct in the childhood.

Associated risks

In addition, induction and caesarean section are two practices that carry additional risks that should be weighed. If it is decided to carry out for medical reasons it is clear that it is better to give birth so to wait, and then the risks are assumed because they are less than not acting.

However, if the decision to advance a delivery or to have a C-section does not come for medical reasons, then it is considered that it is best not to do so, precisely to avoid the following risks:

  • An induced birth carries more risk of infection, from uterine rupture Y hemorrhage (It is a very dangerous bleeding) and caesarean section.
  • A caesarean section is a major surgery, and is associated with an increased risk of infection, bleeding, problems associated with anesthesia, as well as a longer recovery time. In addition, it represents an increase in risks if you want to have more children.

In short, just as an apple does not fall from the tree until the right time comes, a baby does not give the sign that it is ready to be born until the moment it really is. That day the delivery is triggered and contractions begin, being the day when the risks mentioned are lower.

So, if your country allows you to choose the day your baby is going to be born, keep in mind what has been said: the ideal is to let the baby be born the day you go into labor; and if you are going to choose the date, that at least has been gestated for 39 weeks.

Video: Cesarean Section: What to Expect (July 2024).