Babies born today in rich countries will live 100 years

A group of researchers analyzed data from more than 30 developed countries and found that more than half of the babies born today in the world's rich countries will live a hundred years. In addition, not only do you live longer, but you live with less disabling diseases and fewer limitations.

No doubt the scientific and technological advances, as well as the healthier habits of the population, have meant an increase in hope and quality of life, but yes, only in developed countries, because these advances do not reach the third world. For example, in Mozambique and Swaziland (the nations with the lowest life prospects in the world) a baby born today will live between 39 and 42 years.

As published by "The Lancet", the human being is living twice as many years as he lived a century ago: since 1950 the probability of surviving after 80 years has doubled for both sexes. If current trends are projected into the future, it is concluded that babies born today will live 100 years.

The research has been directed by Professor Kaare Christensen of the Danish Center for Aging Research. With these data, the scientists affirm that the human being can consider today that he has four stages in life: childhood, adulthood, young age and older age.

This means that changes must be made in our mode of socio-economic organization, for example in the case of retirement and pensions. Many governments of developed nations are already taking steps to raise the retirement age to try to deal with social spending in the older population. It seems logical, if we live longer and better we are trained and eager to continue working, why not?

Another study in the United States conducted with the "super-centenarians" (people between 110 and 119 years old) showed that, even at this advanced age, 40% of these people needed little help or were independent. Medical and diagnostic improvements have greatly influenced it.

Now we just need the evils of the 21st century such as obesity or pollution to be controlled and not spoil that long life expectancy of those born today, to preserve and have a good place to enjoy those years. And, of course, that the population of the developed world ceases to be so invisible to this First World. There is the real challenge.

Video: 10 Richest Kids In The World (July 2024).