What leadership skills are being demanded in companies?

The qualities they have to have the leaders in companies are a recurring theme in the literature of management and although they change over time there are always several skills they have to fulfill and that they always repeat. That is why it is important that our children know those qualities and be encouraged to practice them in class, with friends or asking your family at home.

The list has been made by sharing many responses from middle managers and senior executives of North American companies, more than 300,000 people, who have identified these qualities as those of a good leader. The first of all is that inspire and motivate and I was surprised that it is not the first of all that values ​​leadership, discipline, motivation, trust and authority, which obviously, bosses have to win. So the list has left me a little worried. Here are the rest of the points (free translation):

  • That transmit integrity Y honesty
  • Than solve problems and analyze what happens
  • That is oriented to results
  • Than communicate good and much
  • Than collaborate and that drives teamwork
  • Than build relations
  • Than transmit professional experience and technical knowledge
  • Have view strategic
  • Than I developed to others
  • Have initiative
  • Than innove
  • That manages the changes
  • Than connect to the group outside the area. Probably what catches my attention the most. I think it's important
  • To establish objectives that can be achieved
  • Let him practice the own development

The truth is that the list seems more like what those who are leaders look like and what qualities they think they have than what is really expected of a leader. Surely I come from another era, where are the strong leaders? And I have another vision. So that's why it's more important to know these characteristics because our children will have to deal with these or similar when they enter the labor market or when they start to interact with companies when they study at university.

Video: 6 Ways Leaders Gain Respect in the Workplace (July 2024).