What do mothers want? (V)

I don't know, sometimes I think that all this of women's liberation has become a scam, a scam that offers equal rights to men only if we live as men or if we renounce fully lived motherhood, or, At least, if we give up being with our babies and separate them many hours a day from us forced. And I have many doubts about whether this is what mothers want.

We are going to conclude this topic, recovering the data extracted from the World Mothers Movement survey and the conclusions of the analyzes of international organizations such as the OECD, UNICEF or Save de Children.

The scam of liberation

The liberation of women, it seems to me, has become a scam, a form of slavery and a denial of motherhood, telling us a story, that life is so short that to dedicate two or three years to our children is to be slaves. Telling us the story that being forced to survive leaving home from eight to eight makes us more women or more people or more free.

We have to give up spending our children's childhood by giving them more time to be truly free, as if the current life expectancy could not let us give 2 or 3 years to be full-time mothers.

Freedom is being able to decide for oneself, not be obliged to anything and less to separate from the babies we give birth if we do not want to. Anyone who wants to work full time and leave their children perfectly cared for by another caring person, should be able to do so. Who wants to work a few hours or spend a few years at home taking care of your baby personally, too.

Both ways of seeing life and motherhood are respectable, but neither should be imposed. None of the two. And since the former costs the State a lot of money, the latter should also be paid and recognized.

What mothers want

Returning to the survey of World Mothers Movement, about what the mothers want, I tell you the results of the survey, to see if this majority opinion they reflect resembles yours.

Most mothers want be the primary carers of your children and, even if they work, being able to devote to them most of their time for at least a part, the first, of their lives. Their desire is, in 74%, to work, but they want to be able to truly reconcile, not understanding conciliation as a full-time daycare, but as a time spent prioritizing their children and the children's need to be with them.

Although three quarters of the mothers want a part-time job only one third can have it. And if we talked exclusively about Spanish mothers, being that here the salaries and labor consideration to the mothers are precarious, I am sure that the data would be much lower.

In addition, the survey indicates that when you have more than two children, women are clear that reconciling is not working, because it is almost impossible to care for three children with a job away from home and, interestingly, despite what was thought according to a model "Feminist," these women are satisfied with their choice.

Mothers want to be able to choose and be supported with measures concrete. Of course, you cannot consent to implicitly or blatantly blaming motherhood for discrimination.

Anti-mother racism

Neither being a woman nor being a mother makes us guilty of anything, let alone injustice. Nor is being black the cause of racism, nor is racism solved by painting blacks in white, as Carolina Garcinuño recently explained in her blog, Mateo's mother.

Motherhood does not make us guilty for being discriminated against. Although we are discriminated against as mothers we do not want to give up being who we are. It would be more. I think this society sins of a anti-mother racism.

The measures that mothers want

Women interviewed by the World Mothers Movement ask concrete measures and they seem very adequate to me: fiscal aid, reductions of taxes to the goods and services of the childhood, extension of the maternity and paternity leave paid, nurseries of better quality for those who wish to use them but not obligatory of the nursery, much less eliminate maternity leave to school newborns.

Plus mothers want that the care of the children computes the Social Security, just as it computes the work of the nursery caregivers. That if they are measures against discrimination against mothers, that is what mothers want. Or not?

Mothers want measures against discrimination against mothers and against discrimination against children. Do youWhat do mothers, our readers, want to truly reconcile their family life?

Video: What Do Mothers Really Want ? (July 2024).