Back to school: 19 original crafts to do with children

The return to school is approaching and with it all the necessary preparations begin so that nothing is missing and the children can begin the new course with the necessary tools. Something that can encourage them a lot before the start of classes, is to have them be according to your taste or even personalized.

Therefore, we share you 19 original crafts you can do with children, so that this return to school is more fun and special.

Cases for pencils and colors

With a towel or cloth napkin

One of the things children use most in school is a case or container to store their pencils and colors. This we have seen in Paper & Stitch is a very simple and easy to do, you just need a napkin or cloth towel and basic sewing skills.

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With felt

Now, if you are looking for something similar to the previous option, but that does not require seams, surely the Red Ted Art proposal you will like, since you only need felt, scissors and a little ribbon.

Color a white bag

Another fun and easy option that we can make to make the pencil case more fun, is to color a white bag. In Persia Lou they teach us how make a stencil or template with vinyl to paint the design that we like more.

With a box of cereal

If you are interested in making a craft that can also help take care of the environment, Instructables show us how to make a pencil case using an empty cereal box and some cloth.

With an empty bottle

Continuing with the theme of recycled materials, in Make it & love it give us another option: make a pencil case reusing plastic bottles. Maybe they are not so attractive to take them to school, but they are a great idea to organize colors and pencils at home, and give this type of plastic another use.

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Decorate pencils

With washi tape

Speaking of pencils, another craft we can do with the children to go back to school is to decorate them. In The Pink Doormat show us how to do it quickly and easily using washi-tape.

Like monsters

A fun craft, is to convert the pencils and give them a little life by placing some character, like these simple and colorful monsters made with felt that we have seen in Red Ted Art.

With pom poms

Pom poms are one of the decorative elements that are most used for their versatility, and in the case of going back to school they are no exception. In Craft-O-Maniac they show us how to make some worsted pom poms to decorate them.

With fun shapes

Using pipe cleaner and eva rubber or foami, you can create some fun but simple pencil decorations, which children can also exchange as many times as they want. We have seen them in Sturdy for Common Things.

With messages

A craft that besides being fun and decorative can help give messages of encouragement or positivism to your children, this is what we saw in the form of dialog balloons in Laly Mom, made with rubber eva or foami.


With cardboard

When it comes to studying, book dividers are a great support to not lose the page where we were. Tatertots & Jello teaches us how to make ones based on cardboard and clippings.

With a ribbon and a button

Another simple craft to make a very original separator, is that proposed in 5 minutes for mom, made with ribbon, a button and a little elastic. The funny thing about this tutorial is that it allows us to customize it with the colors and designs that children choose.

With pom poms

Do you remember that I commented that pom poms are one of the most versatile decorative elements? Well, in Design Mom they show us how to make some simple bookmarks using stamen. We can give it a heart shape as in its tutorial, or use them as the basic pom poms we already know.

With pole sticks

A material that we often see in craft ideas, are the pole sticks and in this special of crafts for the return to school they could not be missing either. In Swoodson Says we found a tutorial to do poles with pole sticks lined with cloth, but another option is to allow children to decorate them with paint, washi-tape or even with stickers.

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Snack Bag

Decorate it with a stamp

Making a bag for the snack is another of the crafts we can do for the return to school. In Create Craft Love they share a tutorial to decorate a white cloth bag using an apple as a stamp.

Make it cloth

In Silo & Sage we find a step by step tutorial to make a snack bag with cloth. A little sewing skills are required, but it is certainly a great option to customize the children's snack bag.

Desk organizers

With glass jars

In addition to these craft ideas that children can take to school, there is also the option to make some for use at home, such as this desk organizer idea made with glass jars on a rotating base from Busy Creating Memories, to facilitate the order of your materials.

With cardboard boxes

Another option is that proposed in Sprinkle Some Fun: do it with recycled materials such as empty cardboard boxes, which we can cover either with colored paper or with washi-tape, and will allow us to order school supplies in a drawer.

File folder

And finally, something that is also used when saving documents, are file folders or folders. The office classics are in solid colors, but with this tutorial by Damask Love, we can do with our children their own folders with the design they choose.

What do you think about these craft ideas for back to school What can you do with your children?

Video: 13 DIY Kawaii School Supplies! (May 2024).