A boy choked on a coin in the school bus and the driver saved his life

We all know some choking episode in children, even some of us have lived in our own flesh. When you see a child getting purple from choking, your legs start to shake and you don't know how to react. We must be prepared for those moments that hopefully do not touch us, but better be prevented.

A big scare took the driver of the school bus to realize that one of the children he was carrying had choked on a coin. Fortunately, the woman knew how to react and got the boy to expel her saving his life.

At first, the driver thought it was a child's play, but when she saw that the boy was going purple and another girl was warning "he has swallowed a coin," he did not hesitate to stop the bus and immediately practice the Heimlich maneuver. Thanks to it, he expelled the coin that blocked his airways, which the boy asked to keep. What a scare!

Heimlich maneuver

I don't understand how they don't give these courses in childbirth preparation classes, in schools, in health centers ... We should all know how to do it. It is always good to know what to do so that the unpleasant episode does not happen of a fright, as fortunately it happened in this case. Nerves can betray us at such a time, so it is very effective to know how to react.

The Heimlich maneuver It is done to expel the piece of food or object that is clogging the airways in people who are still conscious.

It consists of placing the fist of one hand below the rib cage and above the navel, and with the other hand press hard and fast, in and up, pushing until the foreign body that drowns the child comes out.

Below you have a video of how to do it.

Video: Bus Driver Saves 5-Year-Old Student Choking on Coin (July 2024).