The World Cup is used to promote breastfeeding

You will wonder what relationship there is between a soccer ball and the maternal chest. Leaving free associations on roundness aside, and like any pretext is good to claim it, the Pan American Health Organization take advantage of the World Cup to promote breastfeeding.

It is clear that football moves the masses and that is why they wanted to use the expectation that the World Cup in South Africa unleashes that is about to begin to raise awareness among the parents of Latin American and Caribbean countries about the importance of feeding the baby with milk maternal

The motto of the campaign is "Breast milk: First food for champions!" and his main bet is a poster in which the results of the matches are taken along with the drawings of the Argentine illustrator Sendra that we can see above. They are accompanied by the text: “Two great passions of my life: Soccer and chest”.

The association is a bit "sui generis", really. But every resource is valid when the end justifies it. And more when the data show that in almost half of Latin American countries more than 50% of newborns are not breastfed in their first hour of life.

The poster states that "For the best start in life, your baby should receive only breast milk for the first 6 months. Then, breastfeeding should continue with complementary foods for 2 years or more."

The brochures can be downloaded from the website in Spanish, French, English and Portuguese and can be included on the websites as an electronic file.

Video: Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: ClutchFootball Hold Part 4 of 7 (July 2024).