A young woman who was pregnant, first death from influenza A in Spain

We know today the sad news of the death of the first affected by influenza A in Spain and the fourth case in Europe.

This is a 20-year-old Moroccan girl who She was 28 weeks pregnant at the time of admission on June 15 with respiratory difficulty due to viral pneumonia with H1N1 flu virus.

Being pregnant was not a coincidence, but a risk factor. Recall that days ago the WHO highlighted the risk of infection with the H1N1 virus in pregnant women because they are more vulnerable to infections, making them a risk group and advising from several sectors seasonal vaccination to prevent infection.

Curiously, the first death from influenza A in Europe was also a 38-year-old woman who has just given birth recently.

Returning to the case of Dalilah, the young Moroccan who died, who was also asthmatic, a situation that increased her vulnerability, yesterday the doctors decided to perform a caesarean section to give birth to the baby because her mother's situation was already critical.

It is unfortunate that a young life is gone and that a baby is left without a mother, although doctors say that the baby is well and is receiving the necessary care to complete its development. Undoubtedly, the newborn baby is also a victim of the pandemic.

We echo this news to remember that pregnant women constitute a risk group, as well as children, and should see a doctor in case of symptoms such as sudden fever, muscle aches, sore throat and dry cough, and eventually vomiting and diarrhea

Video: Public Health Response to Severe Influenza (July 2024).