The incredible moment in which a mother of a tribe and her baby go to a supermarket to buy food

It is always said, as advice, that we always have to do what we consider best, without thinking about what others will say. It's a great piece of advice, because it's really seen that whatever you do, there will always be someone who seems wrong.

However, it is not always easy to be yourself and who else, who less, He does his best not to overthrow too much and not attract attention, although that is not how I would choose to behave or dress.

This is a problem especially in the western world, where the industry dictates the trends and models of beauty and others behave based on it. A problem that they don't have in the Himba tribe, whose members, from time to time, they go to the city to buy some food causing a contrast worth sharing.

The surprise of a Swedish photographer

It happened in the city of Opuwo, in Namibia, as we read in DailyMail. Swedish photographer Bjorn Persson, specialized in capturing images of the wild world, was in the area filming for a documentary about the Himba tribe.


He approached a supermarket to buy some things when he suddenly saw the woman, about 20 years old, appear, carrying his sleeping baby, barefoot, without modifying his apex to intermingle with the "civilized" people, pulling of a cart to buy some things.

He visual shock that produced that moment made him raise the camera to capture some snapshots that could go very well for his documentary, and that have been made public along with his words:

Himba women always dress like this. It doesn't matter if they are at home, in their town, or if they are visiting the big modern cities. They do it by tradition and by their own beauty (...) They do not dress otherwise for tourists as other tribes do. They cover their hair and their body with a kind of mud to protect themselves from the sun and the clothes are mostly made of goatskin.

But ... if you go half naked!

So is. At a time when Westerners have a tremendous mess with respect to how women should dress, with news of such terrible and absurd events, as disrespectful, of cops forcing a woman to take off her clothes on the beach, while others are practically naked to sunbathe and nobody says anything, this woman stands in the supermarket just as as she feels she must dress, with her breasts in the air, to buy flour, sugar, yeast and powder detergent.

And there nobody tells him anything because it is already customary that, from time to time, members of the tribe use the services that are available in a city. There are even some who already have a mobile phone.

From these photos everyone must draw their own conclusions. I take mine, how free is the one that goes almost bare to the beach to go like this, how free is the one that goes all covered up, like this woman is free to go shopping with her baby hanging, barefoot and with her breasts in the air, if it is your tradition and you are not hurting anyone. I think it's a great lesson that we must pass on to our children.

And also an apprenticeship: Westerners we are not better. It's just that as we adapt to what they tell us we should be, and there are people who don't, we feel superior. Superior to those who are left behind and are not fashionable, superior to those who are left behind and do not have the same educational level, superior to those who simply do not follow the dictates of a society that moves us from one place to another, in a changing way, so that with each novelty we feel more alive and free, despite being totally imprisoned of his power of seduction, which is nothing more than the power of capitalism. We are not freer and we are probably not happier than the rest.

All my admiration for this woman and her baby (and that she is not doing anything beyond going to a supermarket and buying some food). I love.

Photos | Caters News Agency from DailyMail
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