It facilitates the delivery

Giving birth is an unforgettable experience, having information about this event helps eliminate many fears.

Knowing the different options of childbirth helps the future mom a lot. How to know when to go to the hospital? Where will the dilation take place, in a special room or in the room? Who can accompany you? How is the baby's well-being controlled?

It is common that when the future mother enters the hospital, she is monitored and remains lying. There are alternatives such as telemetry devices (mobile monitors) that allow the mother to walk during the dilation.

There is abundant information about childbirth, books and specialized magazines and the internet. But care must be taken because in these publications there are images that can impress. Waiting at home for the future event as relaxed as possible helps a lot in well-being. Labor contractions usually begin spaced, one every 15 or 20 minutes and do not last more than 20 seconds.

In the event that the contractions increase in intensity little by little, it is then advisable to leave for the hospital. It is convenient to have a clock where you can control these times.

Breathing practices and techniques are important to help relax and facilitate labor. If you trust the professionals who serve you, it will be easier, mistrust causes counterproductive fears.

Do not despair if childbirth is lengthened considerably, be first and be nervous, usually delay the evolution of events. You must be aware that you are able to help your child be born.

Share the moment only with your partner, it is an intimate moment and it is advisable that the childbirth be lived by parents in private, avoiding the family. Try to enjoy the birth of your baby, you will see his face for the first time. Focus on helping him be born and propel him into life.

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