Eight essential books to give to children on Book Day

Children's access to books must be natural. It is important to always leave them within your reach, and of course, set an example, so that our children learn to love reading from the earliest childhood.

Today, in the International Book Day we want to recommend you eight essential children's books to give to children, classics that can not be missing in the library of the little ones.

"What does the moon taste like?"

One of our favorite and inevitable stories in the children's library is a classic that never goes out of style, What does the moon taste like? published in our country by the Kalandraka publishing house.

It is a beautiful story that helps children and adults realize the importance of cooperation to achieve a common goal, no matter how each one is.

"What does the moon taste like?"
Michael Grejniec
36 Page 19.5 × 29 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-8464-564-1
Price: 13.50 euros on Amazon

"Mom, what color are kisses?"

Another essential book for the little ones is this cuteness of a story in which a mother explains to her child that the kisses can be of many colors.

Recommended from 4 years, but ideal to start reading it since they are younger. You also have it here in the form of a video

You can get it at the Imaginarium online store for 11.95 euros.

"Gloria Fuertes for children"

Poetry is a genre that does not usually approach children, that's why we really liked the book of poetry by Gloria Fuertes that will bring the little ones closer to verses and rhymes, to a multitude of stories and musical games.

They are 170 carefully illustrated pages, with some very striking drawings that will make the kids interested in poetry.

Gloria Fuertes for children 176 pages Susaeta Editions ISBN: 978-8430598694 Price: 14,36 euros on Amazon

"Guess how much I love you"

Another classic that I will not stop recommending. The protagonists are two hares, the big one, which represents the father or the mother, and the little one, the child. A very sweet story that introduces younger children in the world of earthly love.

Guess how much I love you
Sam McBratney
Kokinos Editorial
32 pages
ISBN: 978-8488342157
Price: 10.35 euros on Amazon

"The small (and big) emotions of life"

On emotions, it is a book that helps children to understand the feelings they experience through everyday situations. A fundamental exercise since they are little so that they learn to understand their emotions and can face them. With text and illustrations by Montse Gisbert.

The small (and big) emotions of life Montse Gisbert Navarro Editions Tandem ISBN: 978-8481314663 Price: 12.60 at Amazon

"Stories to educate happy children"

A nice decalogue of the author's advice Begoña Ibarrola (child therapist) to educate happy children: give them unconditional love, develop their self-esteem, boost their autonomy, develop self-confidence, value their effort and perseverance, live with honesty and sincerity, Respect your individuality, know how to apply limits and rules, provide security and educate you in peace and quiet.

Each point has an explanation to work with the kids accompanied by beautiful illustrations by Jesús Gabán Bravo.

Stories to educate happy children
Begoña Ibarrola
136 pages
SM Editorial
ISBN: 978-8467543131
Price: 18.90 at Amazon


"Emotional, Say What You Feel" It is a great book by Cristina Núñez Pereira and Rafael R. Valcárcel to work on the expression of emotions with the little ones. It is a kind of illustrated dictionary that simply describes forty-two emotional states so that the child learns to identify them and, thus, can say what he really feels.

They highlight their beautiful illustrations by various artists. It is recommended for children from 3 years old and even for adults, with information segmented by ages to make it easier to use.

Emotional, say what you feel
Cristina Núñez Pereira and Rafael R. Valcárcel
96 pages
Winged Words Editorial
ISBN: 9788494151309
Price: 16.20 euros at Amazon


A book that I love like all the children's books of the teacher Hervé Tullet. Invite the children to make free strokes and turn them into wonderful works. Stimulates the creativity and imagination of the little ones from the first strokes.

To scribble
Herve Tullet
64 pages
Editorial The Little Bear
ISBN: 978-8492766680
Price: 9 euros on Amazon

I hope you liked my selection of books for today. If you still want more recommendations here you have 14 books full of tenderness and five classics of children's literature that we recommended last year. Happy Book Day!

What does the moon taste like? (books to dream)

Today in Amazon for € 14.25

Emotional. Say what you feel

Today in amazon for € 17.10

Guess how much I love you

Today in Amazon for € 72.56

The small (and the big) emotions of life (Àlbums Il·lustrats)

Today in amazon for € 25.18

Gloria Fuertes (Poetry For Children)

Today in Amazon for € 15.15

Stories to educate happy children (Stories to feel)

Today in Amazon for € 19.95

Video: EIGHT BOOKS IN 24 HOURS. READ-A-THON No Sleep (July 2024).