Share the photos of your five-month-old baby watching snow for the first time after being told he would have an abortion

I cannot imagine the desolation that some parents will feel upon receiving the news that the baby they expect will not survive the birth. It must be absolutely devastating to anyone, but despite the worst of the omens, the only way forward is to keep hope alive.

After telling her in pregnancy that would suffer an abortionJohanna Morton, a Boston mother, shared proudly in the profile of Love that matters the photos of your five month old baby watching snowing for the first time.

"The baby will not survive"

When performing the 12-week ultrasound, they detected a heart problem in the baby and told them that he would not survive. The doctors told Johanna and her husband Craig that the baby would be born dead, that they save the pain. They offered to abort several times, but within them there was something that encouraged them to move on.

They continued with the pregnancy overcoming each week as a new challenge. Months full of fear and hope. They thought that even if he lived a few hours it would be his "ray of light." They exceeded 28 weeks, 29, 30 ... and at 37 weeks was born by caesarean section Clara Ray, a beautiful girl eager to live.

With only six days she had to have an open heart surgery and a month later she was finally able to go home with her parents. The girl requires frequent checks, has had to be admitted for heart blockages and doctors announced that her heart could not grow with her, so they appreciate every moment they spend together.

"There is no cure. We will always thank God for another second, minute, hour ... day with her"

We often tell stories in Babies and more than babies with minimal chances of survival, babies who, against all odds, managed to get ahead. Doctors have to be realistic when giving a diagnosis and not creating false expectations, but unexpectedly sometimes life makes its way through unthinkable cracks.

There are cases of extremely premature babies who manage to get ahead, of children who were given hours of life and lead a relatively normal life, and even a baby who lacks 80 percent of the brain and has turned two years old.

By this I do not mean that life is rosy (that tragedies also happen), but there are also many babies who survive great difficulties. Or babies like Clara Ray, who although they were told that she would not be born, has already completed five months of life surrounded by the love of her parents and can enjoy unforgettable moments like see snowing through the glass.

Photos | Love that matters
Via Babble
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