Dads and moms blogs: about babies or children, weaning and more

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net. Although some are "closed for holidays", we have found very varied topics that have caught our attention and that we want to share.

We start with And besides, mom, the blog of Idoia, a journalist and photography enthusiast who unleashes her adventures and reflections as a first-time mother. I loved how he wonders if, when talking about his son, he has to refer to him as a child or baby? When does the change occur? Don't we resist them stop being babies?

Naiara is Maite's mom and he tells us in his blog the "comings and goings of a first-time amatxo". These days the operation has started weaning, a complicated decision, a hard moment and with a tender "story" to facilitate the process to the little one ...

And another "operation" is the one we find in Diary of a mother of the 21st century, in this case the diaper operation and the longest day. A lot of pee everywhere, hopefully the thing goes well!

We continue with How not to be a drama mom and a fun article about offers, mothers and gifts. Do you have that gift to detect bargains or are your mothers the "hunt" offers?

In the blog of Baby go-gó They tell us about the fetal ejection reflex, when the involuntary expulsion of the baby in childbirth occurs, also known as "spontaneous birth reflex".

In When dreams wake up (A Grula's blog) Raquel compares her two pregnancies in the first trimester. Every pregnancy is a world, but hopefully the discomforts subside!

We end up with Mommy runner, who confesses to us his seven capital sins (maternal), with great humor. Do you sin too? Do not miss them!

We hope you have found interesting the review we have done for moms and dads blogs. And as we always tell you, if you have a blog in which you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: Tips for a Strong Marriage & Relationship After Baby (July 2024).