The 11 things that irritate men the most when we are parents

Being a father or mother seems to be the target of criticism from the rest of society, this is common for both sexes. While it is true that due to the "usual" distribution of tasks between men and women, they suffer the most, we are not exempt parents. If there is something that seems clear, it is that everyone knows how to educate your children except yourself. The funny thing is that in many cases they don't seem to be so good at educating theirs.

These are some of the things and comments that most often annoy those men who have decided to take the bull of fatherhood by the horns and assume their responsibility with their children. Ask "if your mother has not come", do not find a changer in areas where you can access, disapproving glances ... some seem to be male exclusivity, although most would be valid for both, both dad and mom.

  • When you are considered the babysitter of your children: no, parents are not the babysitters of our children, we are their parents (Being an equal, involved father and with attachment is all advantages: science says so). We take care of them, we are at their side and we educate them, we share with the mother the greatest of our responsibilities, which are our children.

  • When people who know what you do ask if you have been awakened "your feminine side": it seems that, for many men, (too many still) and unfortunately, a large group of women, men carry inside a football coach, the weatherman and a GPS navigator, whatever else you put effort and Put on top of the above, it seems like your would have suffered a kind of mutation. Well, I don't know if the feminine side has awakened me or not, what if I have woken up is the side of not letting others carry what is my responsibility.

  • When you are in the office, school, clothing store, etc. and they ask you, isn't your mother? Well look what a shame, at this time I had an operation with an open heart and can not come to try the shirt on the child, but do not worry, I immediately send you a photographic book so that she can approve the purchase .

If, even if it seems a lie, we know how to understand the pediatrician's explanations, many of us suffer with the pain of our children when they are sick and we have banished a long time ago that "what does not kill you makes you stronger". If we are able to run a company, make a project or operate heavy machinery, we know how to read the paracetamol leaflet.

  • When there are no changing rooms in men's restrooms and they have to go into women's restrooms or breastfeeding rooms (some of them, calling them that is doing them a favor). Let's see, it is not that I care to enter the women's, but we would avoid awkward situations.

  • When they look at you in the park as if you were a predator: We all care about this kind of thing and I say it very loudly: there are beasts out there, we all know it, but these are my children and I hug and kiss them as many times as they allow me.

  • Children's flat menus of pasta, pizza or hamburger My children, for quite some time, eat the same as us but in less quantity. I don't think it's very complicated to put "half dishes" on what's in the adult letter.

  • When they give you prizes for changing a diaper: What a great padrazo! Go on top of handsome, how he takes care of children! I believe in positive reinforcement, as long as the circumstance requires it, so if you don't congratulate the mother for the same, neither do I.

  • When we appear in ads as useless, clumsy or absent. It seems that the silly blonde's reef has extended to the world of parents and being a man must somehow undermine your abilities to care for and educate your children. A challenge to change the baby's diaper without dislocating an arm, I suppose ... Aren't they going to give me a prize?

  • When they tell you how you have to educate your children: especially for those who do not have children or do not even know your children or if something happens to them. We all like to give advice and "help" to others, but better when asked.

  • Those who say to my children, "that's girls" or vice versa: What is that something is boys or girls? We will summarize, if the genitals are not used in it, nor is it one or the other. Simple, right?

  • That if I am alone with my children, people think it is to do their mother a favor: You don't know anything about my life, you don't know if I'm in the park with the children so that their mother rests, cleans the house or starts playing the console, you don't know if I'm divorced or I'm a single father. If you don't know me, don't think.

  • That is expected to behave like a "man" and not ask to leave work, let your mother take care of my children if they get sick Well, it's not going to be. That being "man", like "being a woman" means facing your responsibilities, seeing what is best for everyone, for you, your wife and your children and acting accordingly.

We could go on, but it would probably be repeating the same things that annoy mothers, because once you are involved, the problems are similar. And you, what bothers you, do you identify with any of the above?

Video: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Childrens Lives (July 2024).