Short day for moms

The reduced day for moms attracts all kinds of opinions, there are mothers who appreciate it, since they can spend more time with their children and for others, the serious drawback is the reduction in salary, which depending on the case does not compensate because of the family situation.

It is difficult to work and care for the family, making both activities compatible is often even stressful. Many women stop working in Europe with the birth of their first child, and those who do not stop working, say it is difficult to live this way. The conclusion reached by all women is that they would like to have much more time to spend with their children, but they do not want to move away from the labor market because later they find it much more difficult to integrate back into it. The solution is quite complicated and the only one at the moment is to reduce the working day or what is the same, divide it between work and family. All parents who have children under 6 years of age can request a reduction in working hours.

But how do companies take it? There are all kinds of answers, these are linked to the type of company and how big it is. Small companies with few workers always pay more attention, on the contrary, large companies do not usually put obstacles to grant this right but there is always a counter, it is very possible that the boss is left with the idea that it is more important for you your particular issues that work, and this does without putting yourself in the place of the worker who requests it.

According to a study by the Women's Institute, 40% of entrepreneurs believe that family responsibilities are responsible for reducing women's performance. It is clear that there is no awareness and that there are negative consequences for wanting to care for your children. The reduction of working hours is a right recognized by law, but has not been imposed in our society. We believe that reducing the working day helps and that employers should be consistent and understand the situation. What do you think?

Video: Short day out vlog. teen mom (July 2024).