The Circus Price Theater presents its show Grow 2012

What I liked most about Grow 2012 it is the optimism, the joy and the freshness that there is in each number and also in the complete transitions that contribute continuity and spectacle. And it is that everyone performs a show for the whole family for 90 minutes, without stopping, filling the Theater with illusion, beauty, humor and contagious emotion.

Theater, dance, music, sports and even the plastic arts merge in the Circus. It is a young, expressive language and everyone has a promising future although many already have a solid present. This year the atmosphere is magical making many numbers shine more with the music that is played live by the artists themselves! Thirteen people swap roles on stage and they are actors, dancers, trapeze artists, jugglers, musicians and they show that with their courage, sympathy, dedication, effort and passion they can make the stage full of magic.

Between the instruments there is the guitar, the drums, a piano that emits magnetic melodies, a trumpet and a tuba. All synchronized with the numbers that make their peers accurately and magically. Although there are also moments of minimúsica as in the performance of the verticals in which the pianist is armed with a tiny piano that complements the number in a bright and humorous way.

I loved the number of Cyr Wheels presented as a beautiful duel between two magnificent artists. My heart shrunk with him trapeze, I laughed with the juggleI was excited about contortionist and I had fun with the chinese hoops and the double mast. And there was much more, between the numbers were the most entertaining and allowed to turn the stage into a dream space that was filled with each of the protagonists of the function. The number of the disco with the passage of time is brilliant combining the lights and sound with the movement of the artists.

These are thirteen circus artists from very different cultures. They aim to create a show that offers the viewer a different view of the circus world. And they get it. Their names, their specialties and countries are:

  • Ana Jordao (Hand in Hand) Portugal
  • Samuel Moos (Hand in Hand) Germany
  • Ian Vázquez (Aros Chinos) Spain
  • Michael Hottier (Chinese Hoops) France
  • Maya Kesselman (Chinese Hoops) United States
  • Milena Oksanen (Trapeze Swing) Finland
  • Quim Girón (Vertical • Music) Spain
  • Niklas Blomberg (Vertical String • Music) Finland
  • Thibaut Lezervant (Juggling • Clown) Finland
  • Anaelle Molinario (Contortion) France
  • Pablo Rada (Double Mast) Spain
  • Mikkel Hobbitz (Double Mast • Cyr Wheel • Music) Denmark
  • Valia Beauvieux (Double mast • Tightrope) France

I want to remember that Crece is a contemporary circus creation project led by the Carampa Circus School of Madrid in collaboration with the Circus Price Theater, the Madrid City Council and the Ministry of Culture, which ends with a show of the same name that is represented for two weeks on the track of the Circus Price Theater.

Grows 2012 started on September 19 and can be seen until September 30. They are functions at 20:30, except Sunday which is at 19:00 and has a price of 17.50 euros.

The Artistic Director is Emilio Goyanes, who considers that "the project is a challenge to make a family, get the whole team to beat with one heart, think with a single brain full of bifurcations and undertake a collective trip on the tightrope with a simple objective: the pleasure of viewer". I think he does it by far and he gets a magnificent, positive experience full of magic and enthusiasm.

Emilio Goyanes also says that Crece is a necessary and full of vitality project. I add that it is also exciting and anyone who can see the show will be amazed at the numbers he has seen.

In the following video you can see, it is recorded by the Circus Price Theater, parts of the double mast show. It is surprising to see it on the screen although it shines spectacularly when it is seen live, with the music, the lights and the atmosphere of the Theater covering the acrobats.

Many thanks to the Circus Price Theater for the invitation to the show and we hope the Crece project will last many years. We cannot stop losing the ability to get excited and excited and these young artists can help us achieve it.

Video: Promo 1st Burlesque Award (July 2024).