Baby born with 1.2 degrees of breathalyzer

A sign of the damage that the irresponsibility of a mother can cause to the baby is the case of a Polish woman who arrived completely drunk to the hospital to give birth to her seventh child.

After delivery, the baby had to be resuscitated because according to studies done immediately after birth had a level of 1.2 degrees of blood alcohol.

Fortunately, the doctors were able to save the baby's life, who almost died no longer be born because of his mother's negligence. What fault does the baby have for his mother's folly?

The baby receives artificial feeding and is out of danger, but the director of the Sosnowiec children's clinic, where he was born, said he is very likely to suffer severe damage that could affect his physical and intellectual development.

For its part, the mother must also receive treatment while she is going to be subject to a judicial investigation. Obviously, she is a woman who needs help, who may not be aware of what she has done.

After this bad example, I insist that alcohol and pregnancy are absolutely incompatible, because as we see it can cause irreversible consequences in the baby.

And I don't think that's what a mother wants for her son. In case of doubt, avoiding alcohol during pregnancy, and logically during childbirth, is the best measure.

Video: Grandma Celebrates Killing Son-In-Law - Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen Pt 1 (July 2024).