Alcoholic mothers, is there no love for children or are they sick?

We are greatly saddened by the news of birth of a girl in Poland who presented a rate of 1.9 grams of alcohol per liter of blood at birth. Weighed 2 kilos and 300 grams, the baby is in the incubator in serious health.

The woman who carried the baby in the womb, a young or not so young 29 years old, arrived at the hospital of Dabrowia Górnicza in a drunken state to give birth. After delivery, he maintained a blood alcohol rate of 1.5 grams per liter.

The "father" is not free, is also an alcoholic and after an analysis ordered by the police gave a higher rate of alcoholism, 3.5 grams per liter of blood. The parents of the child have gone to court. We are not going to talk about how incomprehensible the case is, or the crime they were committing, we all know that. But on top of that, they claimed that they didn't know that drinking alcohol was harmful to the baby.

It seems that this case is not so punctual in Poland, where alcohol consumption reaches worrying levels, another similar case occurred last July, as our partner Dolores told us.

It will be a matter of the authorities tightening their laws and promoting responsible alcohol consumption with rigor.

We hope that the little girl will recover and suffer as little as possible the fetal alcohol syndrome, in addition to finding parents who know how to give her the love and care she needs. I wish it was his own parents who were cured of what remains a disease.

Via | 20 Minutes In Babies and more | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (SAF) In Babies and more | Alcohol reduces the brain size of the baby and can cause fetal death In Babies and more | Drugs or alcohol in pregnancy cause permanent damage to the child In Babies and more | Absolutely no alcohol during pregnancy

Video: Can an Addict still be a Good Mom? (July 2024).