Autism can improve with changes in eating

Dr. Anna Vallés, doctor and psychologist, has sent us the results of a study recently conducted and sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya that reveals data of great interest. The conclusion of the work is that the autism can improve with changes in eating of affected children.

The study aimed to verify whether the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders can be attenuated with a modification of the patients' diet.

The basis of the work was the elimination of the casein and gluten diet and the inclusion of treatment that decolonized the yeast intestine through supplements and changes in diet.

The subjects of the study were 20 children between 3 and 15 years, all confirmed in the diagnosis of autism by means of the corresponding tests and a treatment and follow-up was carried out for 6 months.

The result of the work was striking because the majority of the subjects improved markedly in the results of the diagnostic tests, being recommended to deepen this line of investigation.

If I really feed it, a dietary treatment and the control of this type can be a source of improvement extensible to all those affected will say further investigations. However, the results of this study are highly encouraging and can surely guide parents who want to look for alternatives.

More information | Anna Vallés In Babies and more | Genetic mutations, possible cause of autism, It is studied whether autism can be reversible

Video: Is There a Diet that Helps Treat Autism? Autism (July 2024).