"Capitalism, enemy of Lactation" (II)

I bring you the second part of the video that we have seen that, made by a Venezuelan chain, talked about how the economic interests of formula-producing companies have gradually gained ground around the world to extend the use of This product to the detriment of breastfeeding.

In this second part they address some of the health problems that the use of artificial milk produces in children, pointing out the producers of this documentary, to Capitalism as an enemy of Breastfeeding For economical reasons.

In any case, one thing needs to be clarified, WHO is clear that breastfeeding is, within its Global Strategy for infant and young child feeding, decisive for improving the health of children.

Can you really do so much breast milk to improve children's health and reduce mortality? Yes.

Let's go by parts. The different composition of human milk and cow's milk is the key in this recommendation, as the video points out. Despite the changes that have been made in the formula, the amounts of proteins, minerals and carbohydrates remain different and artificial milk lacks many key protective substances for the protection of the baby against diseases that, in the poorest countries, are very serious.

We can find a lot of documentation about it, but I will also make it clear that organizations that have nothing to politicize or "anti-capitalists" reinforce this information, as UNICEF does.

It is added that children fed formula have, statistically, higher rates of health problems such as diarrhea, otitis, lung problems, intestinal infections, childhood diabetes and even some types of leukemia. WHO and UNICEF support it. The video says it, but also, as it appears in the previous link, the WHO says it.

The video talk about the million children that every year the UNICEF He believes that they could have saved his life if they had been breastfed. True. UNICEF cries out for it every year.

Let's look at the reasons for that. He immune system, which is reinforced by breast milk from the beginning of life, with colostrum. Then, during exclusive breastfeeding, the infant is provided with many substances from the mother's body that increase their defenses. Subsequently, and until the child's immune system is developed, the protective power of the mother's milk does not disappear, in addition to remaining an excellent quality food.

Following the publication of the Code of Breast Milk Substitutes, a document that seeks to ensure proper business practices, there is an outstanding issue, emergencies, in which breast milk is vital. In addition, lately the distribution of artificial milk in countries in conflict or in humanitarian disasters has been thoroughly discussed, we have already talked about it. It was found in Gaza, it was found in the Indonesian tsumani and in other food crises in African countries, children who were not breastfed suffered greatly higher mortality rates than those who drank breast milk. This is how WABA has spread it (World Alliance for Beastfeading Action)

The problem began when the NGOs distributed artificial milk in emergency rations, milk that did not always even meet the requirement of not carrying a commercial label. After the first few days, women stopped being able to provide milk in sufficient quantity and did not have quality water either, malnutrition arrived.

But it was that there were more, the weaned children besides not having a safe food and in sufficient quantity, neither they received the protective substances of the human milk, reason why they were much more prone to contracting infectious diseases. Result, more avoidable deaths.

The proposed solution, but that is almost never fulfilled, is that artificial milk is only distributed under strict control of health and necessity in specialized centers, so that it is offered only to children who really need it. But, as I said, this is repeatedly breached and remains a pending issue that needs to be resolved according to the highest health agencies worldwide I have quoted above.

The video proposes that, in the extended use of the formula, there is one of the causes of these generalized health problems, since the same companies, after initial breastfeeding, continue to provide food products that are not always as healthy as they should: cereals, sugary juices and industrial pastries.

Apart from the apocalyptic and conspiracy tone one thing is certain, many of the industrial foods we consume, would have to change their philosophy and composition. Hydrogenated vegetable fats, excess sugar and salt, would have to be controlled better in my opinion. These industrial foods, especially those aimed at children, are related to higher rates of obesity, hypertension and long-term cholesterol. Children I think they should be more protected from aggressive advertising of these industrial foods ...

Returning to the topic of breastfeeding, artificial milk saves lives in cases where it is necessary. And it is also an option that women can choose. But these decisions have to be accompanied by the help of professionals involved, aware and prepared. When there are problems in breastfeeding there are methods to overcome them, and above all, the possibility of extracting breast milk or mixed breastfeeding should not be ruled out, as WHO recommends again. This is recommended by the WHO but it is still a pending public health issue, although the countries, also the western ones, bet on it. Without going any further, our Spanish Association of Pediatrics insists that it is necessary to improve health strategies to help mothers who want to breastfeed, the priority role of support groups and recommends that children breastfeed for at least two years. Until this is a long way to go.

more breastfeeding

Also, and reaching a topical issue, international organizations, including the American Center of Disease Control have recommended that infants be breastfed before the threat of influenza A. It has even been warned of the convenience of relating for weaned babies.

Although I am not at all convinced that this pandemic is a catastrophe, the recommendation given is very clear: nothing protects a child more than the mother's milk, even if the mother or the child becomes ill, breast milk would continue assuming the best defense and the best nutrition to prevent complications.

Of course, and in this I can not be more satisfied with the controversial video, the Breastfeeding It is a matter of public health, which should be taken as a priority by families, communities and countries, to reverse the current trend.

For this reason, the substantive arguments of the video I consider valid, although the idea that maintains that it has been economic interests that weigh more than general health interests should be contrasted with the data of the numerous national and international organizations. Not everything is black or white. It is a global problem much more complicated than a political struggle.

I can not say that all ideas presented in the video are confirmable or true, but if there is a huge reason in their background, the health of people can not matter more than the benefits and much remains to be done in this regard

Only through a greater effort to improve global health promotion strategies is it possible to recover breastfeeding culture How beneficial it can be for general health.

In Babies and more | Capitalism, the enemy of Lactation, Breast milk saves lives

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Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).