Four exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor

He pelvic floor It is a group of muscles limited by the buttocks, thighs and pelvis that support three internal organs: the bladder, the uterus and the rectum. Although it is little known to some women, it is an area of ​​the body that has a lot to do with pregnancy and childbirth.

In fact, strengthening the pelvic floor through exercises helps to have a better delivery by turning the firmer and more elastic muscles and making the birth canal more flexible, as well as promoting postpartum recovery and preventing consequences such as incontinence.

In the blog we have given some exercises to perform during pregnancy such as Kegel exercises as well as other exercises recommended by Mercedes Blanquet, president of the Association of Spanish Physiotherapists of the Pelvic Floor.

Now in Vitónica they suggest us four more exercises to strengthen this part of our body through simple movements and the help of a fitball.

1) First, standing, we will mobilize the hip back and forth as if it were a pendulum and relax sphincters in the anteversion movement (tail back) and contract sphincters in the retroversion movement (bring pubis towards the abdomen) .

2) In a second exercise we can, by using a fitball, sit on the ball with our hands under the hip to make a lateral movement that changes the weight support from one side to the other. Likewise, in the same way as the previous exercise, we can perform the movement back and forth.

3) We can perform a third exercise by sitting on a ball, with the abdominal wall contracted, separating and joining the knees while keeping the feet together to activate the pelvic floor musculature.

4) Also on a fitball, this time lying on it, we will take air and contract the abdominal muscles to simultaneously bring the knees closer so as to put into operation the adductor muscles and the pelvic floor. The position is maintained for a few minutes and then we will relax the abdomen and legs.

Video: Physical Therapist Pelvic Floor Exercises for Beginners (July 2024).