A grandmother gives birth to her grandson

In Spain it is impossible, for the moment, that such news is given because having a child with a surrogate is not legal. However, in the US it is common for those couples who cannot have a child decide to resort to this system to be parents.

This news, which happened in Chicago a few days ago, would be one of many if not for an exceptionality: The baby's rental mother is both her grandmother.

The story goes back to 2004, when Bill Lee and Sara Connell decided to have a baby. After quite some time trying, they underwent fertility treatment at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Evanston. Sara gave birth to lifeless twins. On the second attempt the couple took a new disgust, at suffer a miscarriage.

Given this situation, Sara's mother decided to help the couple bring their baby into the world. Kristine Casey, who is the name of the grandmother, 61, had three healthy daughters, the last 30 years ago, without any complications and this made her an optimal candidate to gestate the baby.

Thus, with an ovule from his daughter Sara, the sperm of his son-in-law Bill and his own uterus, Casey gave birth to Finnean Lee Connell on February 11 by caesarean section.

Undoubtedly it is a moving story but rocambolesque at the same time: the baby is both the grandson and the son of the same woman. As always, I suppose we would have to see ourselves in the same situation as the couple to understand the reasons for taking that path with the intention of having children.

Video: The 61-Year-Old Surrogate Who Gave Birth to Her Own Grandson. The Oprah Winfrey Show. OWN (July 2024).