Roomba baby: babies who "walk" on cleaning robots, an unsafe fashion

Living in a time where there is internet, often gives us videos of babies that are emotional or fun. There are some very cute, where babies react for the first time to important situations in their lives, such as the deaf baby who first hears his mother say "I love you".

Within that wide variety of videos, some that have drawn attention are those videos where babies appear "walking" on cleaning robots, after their parents placed them in them. But is this practice safe? We share our opinion and the recommendations of its manufacturers.

It seems tender and fun, but it could be dangerous

The famous cleaning robots have become very popular thanks to the advantages they bring to the homes of many families, because in addition to being a good support for daily cleaning, it allows us to have more time with our children when delegating that task.

However, although this product was created to help with household cleaning, some parents have found another use, which at first glance seems tender and fun, but could become dangerous.

It's about sitting or placing your babies on the cleaning robot, to that he walks them around the house while cleaning at the same time. Under the hashtag #roombababy we can find hundreds of Instagram on Instagram videos of babies that are placed by their parents on cleaning robots. Generally on a Bumbo chair, suitable for babies from three months, where they sit on the robot vacuum cleaner, but also sometimes directly on the device.

Putting the twins to work. #roombababy #thisnevergetsold #bumbotwins

You can even find an account dedicated exclusively to publish videos of babies walking on cleaning robots, called babyridesroomba. And although at first it may seem funny, the truth is that it is not something that is recommended.

Starting with the fact that the movements of the cleaning robot may be too strong and shake the baby, which is still very small and could hurt its neck or fall and hit its head.

Snow day fun. #roombababy

Although it is true that these robots have anti-shock sensors that prevent them from bumping into furniture and walls, the risk of this happening always exists, because Babies could hit themselves, for example, with a table, by passing the cleaning robot under it while they are sitting on it.

In the same way, the baby's little hands, which are usually of a curious nature and like to touch everything around him to know him, could reach into some mechanism and harm himself.

This is why my wife is afraid to leave me alone with our son… #fatherhoodrocks #roombababy @mrliamstephen

What the manufacturers say

From Babies and more we contacted iRobot, the company that manufactures the vacuum robots Roomba, to give us a comment regarding these videos, and this is what they answered:

The robot vacuum cleaner Roomba from iRobot is specifically designed to help people clean their homes. Roomba is not a toy and customers should not place children on the device. For optimum performance, please do not place any objects on Roomba.

Similarly, we share the league of the safety manual of the cleaning robot, where you clearly read the first pages of the important safety instructions. These include the following:

  • This device can be used by children older than 8 years (referring to the purpose for which it was created, to clean).
  • Children should not play with this device. that children should not play with him, and that it is recommended only be used for his purpose by children over 8 years.
  • Your robot is not a toy. Do not sit or stand on this device.
  • Supervise young children and pets when your robot is running.

The fact that something seems funny or funny does not mean that it is correct to do it, and when we give it a different use than what certain products initially have, we could put others at risk. Although it causes us tenderness to see babies walk in the cleaning robots, it is not a safe practice and it is advisable to avoid doing so.

Video: "Babies Riding Roombas Compilation". CFS (July 2024).