The Fukushima nuclear crisis for children (and not so children)

Following the tsunami in Japan, the Fukushima nuclear power plant suffered damage that caused the reactors to overheat, causing gas leaks and dangerous radiation. This has meant that the population within a radius of 30 km had to be evacuated.

What happened in Japan affects all the people who live there and Among them are, of course, children. As a child you can not talk about nuclear power plants, radiation, explosions, gases and health hazards have decided to create a video dedicated especially to them, but that serves many adults to also see what the situation is firsthand, without the filter (turning yellow) that many media have wanted to print to that event.

In the video, nuclear power plants are represented as Genka-kun (the nuclear child), radiation as "the poop" of this child and gas leaks as "farts". The video talks about the leaks that the nuclear child is having, the fear of people that the child ends up doing "poop" and compares the case with similar events already known in history (Chernobyl, for example).

The most interesting thing about the video, in addition to knowing what is happening, is to see how the Japanese handle a situation like the one they are living and how they apply a sense of humor to bring information to children, who also deserve to be informed of what is happening.

Video: Returning to Fukushima. Explorer (July 2024).