Types of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

As we mentioned yesterday, the World Day of Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome (SAF) was celebrated. With that motive we talk about a related topic, types of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which includes SAF as its most serious form.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is the name given to a series of conditions that a person may have if their mother drank alcohol while pregnant.

These conditions include both physical and intellectual disabilities, as well as behavioral and learning problems. Often several of these problems occur at once. It is known that FASD is a leading cause of intellectual disability and congenital defects.

Types of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Different terms are used to describe fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, depending on the type of symptom.

  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: This syndrome represents the severe end of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, as we have commented on several occasions. Fetal death is the most serious result of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome may have abnormal facial features, growth problems and the central nervous system. They may also have problems with learning, memory, attention, communication, sight and hearing. They may have a mixture or some of these problems. People with fetal alcohol syndrome usually have problems at school and to get along with others.

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders related to alcohol: to a lesser extent than the previous point, people with alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders may have intellectual disabilities and behavioral and learning problems. They may also have difficulties with math, memory, attention, poor control of their impulses ...

  • Birth defects related to alcohol: People with alcohol-related birth defects may have heart, kidney, bone and hearing problems. They may have a combination of these problems.

There is enough permissiveness regarding alcohol during pregnancy (a glass does not hurt ...). But in reality there is no known amount of alcohol that the mother can ingest during pregnancy without taking risks, and No time during pregnancy is considered safe to drink.

Video: The Story of Iyal (June 2024).