Damn hot water bag

It was a horrible night and I want to tell you what happened to us. The damn hot water bag, something that had never happened to me. The worst, my son has burned, but fortunately it has not been serious.

I am very careful with accidents at home and I always follow safety precautions. I do not leave electric blankets on at night and I thought the bags would be safer in compliance with the basic rules.

But things can be broken and, really, now I think I should claim for that product to be checked and safe, although I remember that it had the corresponding seals. The plastic is not worn, it has simply cracked on one side.

I filled the bag as usual, with hot water, and not completely. I was very careful to confirm that it was not leaking and was perfectly closed with the fabric wrap covering it (thankfully, because that prevented it from coming out directly).

But, suddenly, while already in bed, he cracked and the water started to come out. The boy's arm was soaked and he screamed at me (it was early in the morning). Luckily I was close to him and not a second passed. Before he gave him time to know what was happening, I pushed it aside and it didn't spill all over him.

He had his whole red arm and I made the first cures. This morning I had two burns the size of a finger, but the redness had disappeared and no blisters had come out thanks to how quickly I cooled it and the cure I had in the first-aid kit always prepared. The review has been positive and in the end, everything will be scared.

With this I want to remind you how essential it is take precautions at homeWell, even with them, accidents can happen and, in those cases, keep calm, take care of the child immediately and provide emergency care is very important. Always have what is necessary for an emergency cure in the medicine cabinet is something that can make the difference between a scare and a serious accident.

I will not forget this damn hot water bag. I have not thrown it, so I can take it where it is needed. But I've spent the night crying. Has something like this ever happened to you?

Video: Damn, Daddy! Strongman Feat - Hot Water Bottle Blow (June 2024).