Chris Hadfield closes his participation in the ISS with an exciting version of Space Oddity by Bowie

In Peques and Más we have played the cutouts with David Bowie, we have read the comic of his song Space Oddity and now we will also sing the song with the ISS Commander Chris Hadfield who has just returned to Earth and to celebrate his march he has dared to make a version of the Bowie Space Oddity song.

I think Chris’s version of the song is very exciting and the images Odyssey in space! They are spectacular, because they are real and because the assembly is impeccable. We know Chris because he has spent six months of the mission tweeting images of the Earth from space and has also shared videos and sounds that have been seen in the news parts. The video is about to reach two million views and even David Bowie has congratulated him. From here we also thank you very much for your version, which we loved, and I am sure that we will miss you very much.

As @wicho says in Microsiervos, the direct and instant contact that Twitter allows ensures a great dissemination of science among citizens. And from that collaboration, the ones that can benefit the most are the kids in the schools that will have the best astronomy lessons and practices imaginable.

Video: Chris Hadfield: Space Oddity (June 2024).