Training as the best option to prevent unwanted pregnancies

In the reproductive health page you can see a lot of statistics that show how it has been widespread practice of voluntary termination of pregnancy among adolescent girls and the values ​​of 20 years ago have tripled. In my opinion I think it is not justifiable and abortion should not be considered almost as a contraceptive method.

And it seems essential that more information and training on contraceptive methods be included in the school curriculum. It is also based on training young people in the risks arising from an unwanted pregnancy because of the impact it has on society and their future emotions. The statistics are devastating and in Spain, almost 20%, one in five, of pregnancies among the female population of childbearing age ended in abortion in 2010.

The commented page of the reproductive health observatory seems to show that the data is stabilized although this information should not be lost sight of and the analysis of its evolution continues. The data comes from the official statistics published by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and the National Statistics Institute.

What is amazing is the fact that in the 15-19 age range 50% of pregnancies become an abortion. The statistics indicate that almost every day there are abortions and this should be improved with training, information, prevention and probably assume that abortion has a very high cost not only in the costs derived from professionals, materials and medical resources but also in the costs of young boys.

The CSIC indicates that living in a community with a lower level of educational, economic and social development increases the chances of being a teenage mother. They are probably data to be analyzed with more variables although it seems to me that there can be a lot of correlation in the part referred to the level of educational development. And there are many myths and much ignorance in sex education.

Another devastating fact is that in Spain, more than 90% of women over 50 have had children and yet, among those under 35, 60% had not had them. So the problem of abortion must be added a delay in first maternity at least until they turn 35, although these data open another debate and that is the cost of emancipation.

So we hope that measures will be taken to increase training in reproductive health, to reduce risk practices, and to improve sexual and contraceptive habits in Spain.

I dare not put the graphics that can be seen on the Reproductive Health page in case they violate the reproduction rights. In any case, I encourage readers interested in reviewing the information published because it is very interesting and revealing. On the other hand we hope that reproductive health observatory learn to generate more visually appealing content and facilitate information sharing because if more training is being demanded, it is essential that we find out what is happening in Spain, especially with data that I imagine will be public.

Video: Options Counseling: Working with Women Who Have Unintended Pregnancies (July 2024).