Genetic factors and premature births

Improving the health of the little ones is essential, this is one of the main reasons why American researchers have focused their studies on the genetic variations that are related to premature births and the relationship between exposure to light and health in premature babies. The biological clock of a premature baby can be altered by external factors such as light, causing some small changes in behavior or development and that these researchers study for a better understanding of everything that surrounds the world of the premature baby.

Nowadays, the genetic factor, its knowledge and its manipulation is vital to get pregnancies with a lower risk of premature birth and adequate prevention for different diseases, in fact we have all been able to know news that tell us how thanks to genetic knowledge it has been achieved that babies born free of certain inherited diseases have been able to minimize the incidence of other diseases and have even been cured. Understanding genetic variation is essential, discovering and determining why premature birth occurs in some women who, according to current studies should not present any problem due to the absence of risk factors, is one of the tasks of these American doctors.

This leads to a logical deduction, perhaps there are no risk factors because they are not yet known, therefore it is difficult to dictate their absence if the genetic information is not thoroughly known, because it plays a fundamental role and is one of the keys to that in the future the health and welfare of both mothers and babies can be guaranteed.

Each discovery made can improve the quality of life and ensure a better development in babies, science is a great ally of health.

Video: Causes Behind Premature Births (July 2024).