I have not passed toxoplasmosis and I am pregnant, now what?

One of the most typical prohibitions of pregnant women is that of not eating sausages and in general undercooked meats due to the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis.

This recommendation is given only to those women who have not passed the disease, something that is known after the first analysis, when they confirm that you have passed it or they inform you that you have not suffered it, explaining immediately the precautions that are They must have.

What precautions should a pregnant woman who has not passed toxoplasmosis have

To prevent toxoplasmosis A pregnant woman (and in general anyone who does not want to pass it, although it is a mild condition if you are healthy) should avoid eating raw or undercooked meat, avoid handling or having contact with cat feces that are in contact with mice or rats or with other animals that were infected, that is, that If you are pregnant and have a domestic cat, absolutely nothing happens.

In addition, try not to handle the knives and utensils that are used to cook raw meat (if you could have the toxoplasma), do not drink contaminated water or ingest unpasteurized milk.

If you have not already passed it, the difficult thing is that you pass it now

It will not be me who tells a woman to eat undercooked meat, but in general, if a woman becomes pregnant, say 25 or 35 years old, which is the average, without ever having toxoplasmosis, the strange thing would be that, doing exactly the same and eating exactly the same, suffered.

If you buy the ham in a trusted place (we saw yesterday that if the ham is well cured and well treated it seems that there is no risk) or if you directly choose hams with a high curing time (at least 14 months of cure - the large reserves are cured for 32 months, so although it is expensive, you make sure both-), if your cat has been with you for a while and is not wandering, if you cook the meat you have bought in the same trusted place as ham and To date you have not suffered from toxoplasmosis and if you are not going to eat raw meat or go to the countryside to mix with unknown animals it is practically impossible for you to take the disease.

Now, if they recommend a series of guidelines to avoid contagion, pay attention, lest it be my fault that we have to regret later ...

Video: toxoplasmosis (July 2024).