Embossed ultrasound: bronze sculpture of the fetus

Clinics know that a baby that is about to arrive causes so much expectation in parents that they would give almost anything to get to know him a little more ... Now, a London clinic offers mothers bronze models of the ultrasound of their babies.

The London Ultrasound Center is the first in the United Kingdom to offer this service. A 3D printer uses the images obtained by ultrasound to make the mold of the fetuses (in layers of a special powder attached by tail, which is what is seen in the image) that will later be modeled in bronze. The sculptures, which cost about 1300 euros, take about two and a half weeks to complete.

The sculptures are made after 24 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's shape is almost complete and has gained enough weight. Those responsible for the invention, for which I would not pay anything, say that for parents who have tried it it is as if they were already meeting with the baby.

But the most incredible, and macabre In my opinion it is another of the applications that they indicate for these sculptures: they are also requested by parents whose babies have genetic defects that will prevent them from surviving. Having a memory of your child helps them with the grieving process.

As I say, it seems quite sinister, although I would never want to put myself in his situation to see if it really helps with the painful process of losing an unborn child.

By the way, I have not been able to find any image of the final result in bronze, since only the previous mold is shown. And you, would you pay for such a memory, or do you settle for the traditional ultrasound?

Video: Driving poles in for new boardwalk in Ocean Grove New Jersey. (July 2024).