Dads bloggers, Daniel de Pobre papa visits us

Continuing with the interviews with parents on the occasion of Father's Day in Mexico, we now present a dad who is not really a blogger, but youtuber.

I decided to include it because besides that there are very few parents with active blogs in Mexico, I find it very funny and real the way it shows Daniel his fatherhood on his YouTube channel Poor dad.

Tell us a little about yourself and your family

My name is Daniel Barrera, I am 37 years old, I dedicate myself to advertising and I love to make films. I share this part of my life with "Co" and "Am". The two women who keep my money, hehe.

What motivated you to create a YouTube channel?

At the beginning I had no intention of creating a channel or having a social network where I shared the day to day with my daughter. My intention was to make a video file of everything I lived as a little "Am" and; When he was old, twenty or twenty-five years old, make a great video and share all the moments we had together. I thought it would be something I would enjoy very much; then, at the insistence of his mother and some friends, I convinced myself to publish the videos and this is how it started Poor dad.

The name of my channel is due to the fact that the phrase I hear the most and I keep listening to is "poor dad sure is unveiled," "poor dad sure hasn't eaten," "poor dad sure doesn't have money." I preferred to adopt the name as a joke and show that, although it is difficult to have a baby, there are ways to get ahead and enjoy being a dad.

How has fatherhood been for you?

I feel it is an experience that takes you from pole to pole. What do I mean? if the baby is happy you are god among mortals, but if the baby feels bad, you feel the most vulnerable human on earth.

The satisfaction that your child offers you is another topic and there is never a perfect time to be a dad, for me the important thing is to live this experience, to feel a being able to offer love and care for mine.

What has been your biggest challenge as a father? Was there anything you thought would be easy and it turned out that it wasn't?

The most difficult thing has been to have time to live with my daughter, the work dynamics are very absorbent and it is very difficult to find time to live and create a bond with my baby, it is very important for me that she knows that I am there and that I will always be in your life supporting her at all times.

What do you most enjoy or like about being a father?

Imitate my own father, because I enjoy following his example of love and affection he had for me and my brother.

What advice would you give to other parents?

I think there are no unique and universal tips. All I can tell you is that, The best thing about being a dad is to live the experience and give yourself the opportunity to draw your own conclusions..

We thank Daniel de Pobre papa for having dedicated a little of his time to tell us about his fatherhood and how the idea of ​​documenting it came up on a YouTube channel. Look forward to another interview tomorrow with another Mexican dad.

Video: Basically I'm Gay (July 2024).