New birth of pandas at the Madrid Zoo after Chulín and the twins Po and De De

Hua Zui Ba, the giant panda bear female (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) from Zoo Aquarium in Madrid has once again been mother after 131 days of gestation. Hua Zui Ba broke waters and, four hours later, gave birth to a small puppy that has broken to cry hard. Mother and baby are under the constant attention of the technical and veterinary team of Zoo Aquarium of Madrid and two collaborators of the Chengdu Giant Panda Base with whom they will work closely in the pup's breeding during the next months.

The little bear cub has seen the light with his characteristic pink skin covered with a light layer of white lanugo You will quickly experience the first typically panda color changes. In the picture you can see mother and son resting. After its birth the new giant panda bear breeding has shown large doses of personality. During the first neonatal exam to which he has undergone, the technical and veterinary team has confirmed that it is a male of powerful lungs. The little puppy has a weight of 210 grams and 15 centimeters in lengthprecisely, the weight of panda bears is one of the most amazing data of its growth process since it multiplies by one hundred from birth to adulthood, when the male reaches 130 kilograms and the female 90 kilograms on average.

The Madrid Zoo reports that Hua Zui Ba has proven to be an excellent mother again, after the birth of the twins Po and De De who traveled to Chengdu recently after reaching the age of two and a half and with the aim of being reintroduced in the Natural habitat of its species, in China. The mother who has been very calm and totally focused on her offspring breastfeeding every two hours under permanent protection in your lap.

Zoo Aquarium of Madrid celebrates this fourth birth, after Chulín (September 4, 1982), and the twins Po and De De (September 7, 2010) as great international news in the field of conservation and a direct contribution to the perpetuation of this endangered species whose captive specimens do not exceed 300 and, in their natural habitat, 1,600 specimens.

With the birth of the last panda in the Madrid Zoo, its population in Europe is expanded to 10. Currently, in Europe, there are only specimens of this species in the zoos of Vienna, Beauval, Edinburgh and Zoo Aquarium in Madrid.

Will have to wait a few months for visitors to the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid to meet the new family of pandas. Meanwhile the little one will quickly change the size and black pigmentation, typically panda, in ears and back.