World Autism Awareness Day 2012

Currently, approximately one in 150 people is within the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Therefore, today is celebrated worldwide World Day for Autism Awareness.

It is a very special day because we want to record worldwide the false myths that have been created around this pathology that especially affects the communicative and social sphere of the person. Following them, a multitude of myths and stereotypes have been created that greatly impede their inclusion in society.

For example, one of the most widespread is that ASD is related to the lack of maternal affection during the first moments of the child's life, when there are currently many scientific studies that talk about the genetic burden of ASD, completely denying This theory

On the other hand, we find that both the small and the big screen have contributed to increase the myths about autism, since they are represented as people with a great mental capacity (although without connection with the world in which they live) or with a great rejection of the social relationship with equals. They are very exaggerated situations, since the prevalence in both cases is negligible.

In this way, in this World Day for Autism Awareness It seeks to eliminate these myths by bringing us all a little closer to what Autistic Spectrum Disorder consists of, in order to better understand those people who are within it.

Video: Autism Speaks' Light It Up Blue Celebrates World Autism Awareness Day 2012 (July 2024).